Monday, March 02, 2015

[TRAN] POTATO 10.2012 Arioka Daiki



    I feel Chinen & Yabu-kun’s love recently
    My ideal holiday is to wake up early in the morning, play all day, get really really tired and go to sleep feeling I’ve done enough. Because, I don’t really wake up that early very often, as long as it’s not like a major event or something. Oh, but I had my first barbecue in my whole entire life, ever, 2 weeks ago. I mean, I’ve done barbecues at work and stuff, like photo shoots and tv recordings, but never in my private life so it was so much fun! And I went for a small trip to Hakone, watched movies…maybe I do have a worthwhile way of spending my holidays.

[TRAN] POTATO 10.2012 Chinen Yuri


    I feel that the time I spend alone nowadays is important to me
    The other day when I had a day off I spent it lying around, going for a walk and playing games. Nowadays that’s basically how I spend my days off. Like, when I wake up, it’s usually midday, and well I eat breakfast first thing… I usually avoid putting schedules in my days off and I just act as I want to, to relax. But once it’s a little cooler I wanna start exercising. Maybe play soccer7’s or something.